My projects


These are some of the more interesting projects that I have completed in the last few years. Older ones I have left online here

My public GitHub is

Links to projects on this page

  • This Website - Overview of the tools used to create this site.
  • MQTT ESP 32 - Improving sensor communication.
  • Screen Grab - Cross platform automatic screen grab and pdf tool. Python & Tkinter.
  • Temperature Monitor - Temperature and humidity monitoring to MySql database.
  • Battleships - Basic Battleships game in Python - terminal.

My personal profile website.


This site was created to replace my previous one and to practice skills that I had learned on my fromtend development course.

The site was created in Visual Studio Code in HTML, PHP and CSS. It is hosted on cpanel / WHM reseller account.

Local development and testing is done using WAMP server. Once I am happy with any changes they are pushed to a private GitHub repo then deployed automatically using a GitHub workflow shown below.

GitHub Workflow

In the future I plan to add live dashboards of my IOT sensors

MQTT Temperature Monitor Upgrade

IOT, MQTT, Python, ESP32 Devkit, C

I have recently researched MQTT / MQ Telemetry Transport a very lightweight messaging protocol designed for IOT / Internet of Things. I have been using a direct MySQL connection from the sensor to my Rasberry Pi server up until now but it has proved unreliable especially over a poor connection.

The ESP32 is a very capable micro-controller that costs less than £5, it can be programmed in C or MicroPython. For this project I will use C as I have already written the code for obtaining the sensor redings from the DHT22's and it would be boring if I did everything the easy way in Python. The ESP32-DevKitC looks like this.


The specification can be found at It is available in a variety of DevKits or as individual chips for integration into a user / company designed PCB. I am quite interested in getting hold of a few of the ESP32-Azure IoT Kit versions to experiment with They have a built in Lipo charge controller that would mean one less soldering job for my sensors.

There are several parts involved in this project :

  • MQTT Broker - Mosquitto runs on Raspberry Pi server
  • Python Library - paho-mqtt
  • Python script - MQTT Subscriber
  • C Library = PubSubClient
  • ESP32 with DHT22 sensors
  • Program to read sensor data and publish MQTT messages

The flow of data for the complete system is a as follows :

  • ESP32 reads data from DHT2 sensors
  • ESP32 connects to WiFi and transmitts MQTT messages containing temperature and humidity data
  • ESP32 enters deep sleep mode for 10 minutes to conserve power
  • MQTT Broker receives the data and forwards it to the Python script that is subscribed to the relevant topics
  • Python script checks the data and if valid enters it into the database
  • Data can be viewed using Grafana and associated dashboards

After a few false starts I managed to get my first message posted to the broker and the Python script received and printed to the screen. This took a little longer than expected as I had issues with Arduino IDE taking several minutes to compile the project before it would upload to the ESP32. I had to completley change IDE and configure Platform IO in VS Code. This reduced the compile and upload time to less than two minutes meaning I could make and test code changes much faster.

First Successful MQTT message

Screen Grab

Python, Tkinter, GitHub, PyautoGUI, Ongoing

Tool to grab a user customisable area of the screen repeatedly and output a pdf document.

This is my first project on Github that has enticed others to join in and help. The collaboration has taught me a lot about branches, automated testing and working on a group project.

The reason behind this project was accessing a training workbook online via a web browser. The web based interface was not very good and very poor compared to Acrobat Reader or Foxit.

My project brief was to meet the following requirements.

  • Extract documents from online sources where a download option was not available. Specifically
  • Allow the user to select the area and number of itterations.
  • Allow the user to select the next or forward key press or action.
  • Export the completed images as a pdf for easy reading offline.

I decided to attemp this in Python as I am most comfortable with the language, It also has a lot of easy to use libraries that are well documented. After some research I decided to base my application around the following components.

  • Python 3
  • FPDF2
  • Pyautogui
  • Tkinter

The source code for the project is available on my GitHub

This is the user interface of my application. It is quite basic but does everything required in the project brief.

Screen grab user interface

The video below shows it in use capturing three pages from Box and combining them into a pdf.

Temperature Monitor

Sensors, Rpi, SQL, Grafana, Python, IOT

In this project I connect a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to a Raspberry pi, store the data in a database and display using Grafana.

The DHT22 is a cheap, easy to use sensor available from a wide range of sources. More information and technical specifications can be found at UK Farnell.

This is what it looks like.

Console output of the script

The code to extract the readings from the sensor is only a few lines, shown below.

import Adafruit_DHT
DHT_PIN = 17
def dht22():
    humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(DHT_SENSOR, DHT_PIN)
    return round(temperature, 1), round(humidity, 1)

Source code is available on GitHub

Console output looks like this.

Console output of the script

Entries in the database look like this.

Php my admin view

Once the data was stored in the database I decided the easiest way to display the results was by using Grafana. A log of the last two days data is shown in the image below.

Console output of the script

I also created dashboards to view on my desktop and mobile.

Desktop dashboard

Mobile dashboard


Codecademy, Python

Screenshot of terminal playing battleships

This is my first project on Codecademy Computer Sciences pathway.

The task was to create a terminal based game or application in python, one of the ideas provided was for battleships and it looked interesting. The game randomly places both your ships and enemy ships in the play area.

Each player takes it in turn to fire at the opponents ships by entering grid details. Hits or misses are displayed on the grids. When all ship sections of a team are destroyed the game is over and a winner declared.

The source code can be found at this link please give it a go and let me know if you found it fun or if you find an error.

This project was more complex than I initially invisioned but it was satisfying to overcome some of the early issues and making a output function that was both functional and pretty. Looking forward to the next one :)